Land Tours

Harry Potter and the Places He Pursued

So, alliteration aside, the intent was to make this sound like the title of the next Harry Potter book and rest assured J.K. Rowling is not amused. As like most of you I indulged and gorged on every single one of the Harry Potter novels and movies. I purchased each book and read each one cover to cover as they were released. I feel like I knew Harry and his friends and as such have always wanted to visit the locations where the movies were filmed.

While visiting Edinburgh in 2014 my husband and I walked past a charming cafĂ© that overlooked the unbelievably majestic skyline there. As we past it we noticed J.K. Rowling’s name on the window and had to check it out. To our joyous surprise we realized that we had inadvertently discovered one of the places where she began creating the beloved novels. The Elephant House is now on the list of areas to visit if you are a Harry Potter fan. From that day on I have been vigorously committed to touring all the sites and not having them thrust upon me happenstance.

As one who receives countless e-mails from Travel Trivia, this arrived in my inbox the other day and I had to feature it here.

Oxford, England hosts at least six stunning places where Harry Potter was filmed and here is a description of them:

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